A list of DECEASED 1963-66 FHS Alumni and Faculty
For Allen Monasmith’s and Bruce Garner’s complete Fallen Eagle List (1946-2023), click on the link at the bottom of this page.
Years of death updated with dates provided by and verification by Danny O’Connor.
If no year is listed, the year of death is not known at this time
(As of: 11/01/2024)
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Name | Class | Year Passed |
Abrams, John | 64 | 8/20/2018 |
Ailman, Ronald A | 65 | 8/2004 |
Allgor, Myron Albert “Mike” | 63 | 10/6/2001 |
Allwood, Rex Lewis | 65 | 7/2010 |
Almacy, John | 64 | 10/6/2016 |
Anderson, Cheryl, Alston | 64 | 11/7/2012 |
Andrews, Terry | 62 | 11/12/1970 |
Andruskiewiecz, Jack | 66 | 10/2/2005 |
Ankrum, Dennis R | 65 | 9/14/2010 |
Antonelli, James (Jim) Patrick | 64 | 6/6/2023 |
Arbeit, Martin | 66 | 11/24/1970 |
Armento, Gary Wayne | 65 | 7/31/2020 |
Armstrong, Ernest | 64 | 8/30/1967 |
Arnold, Alan | 66 | 9/24/1964 |
Athes, Leonard James | 65 | 8/18/2019 |
Ausra, George Raymond | Faculty 58-93 | 12/31/2018 |
Aves, Betty | 66 | 4/30/1966 |
Bailey, Frank Herman | 65 | 2/12/2018 |
Bailey, Theodora “Tico”, Marsh | 65 | 5/2/2010 |
Baird, Pat, Fields | 63 | 11/10/1993 |
Balcombe, Roger | 66 | 6/1/1998 |
Barrens, Thomas “Tom” Jr | 64 | 10/20/2017 |
Bartkoski, Victor Michael “Mike” | 63 | 10/20/2017 |
Bassett, Lile, Moberly | 65 | 2/2/2024 |
Baugh, James W | 64 | 8/6/2008 |
Bennett, Robert Wesley | 66 | 1/12/2017 |
Bepko, Phil | 67 | 3/2/2024 |
Biksen, Erhard Fritz | 64 | 10/29/2001 |
Bisaccia, Fay Marie | 66 | 2/5/2018 |
Bischoffs, Susanne “Susie”, Nolen | 66 | 1/31/2013 |
Blanton, Michael Morris | 66 | 9/11/2022 |
Bombard, Robert A | Faculty 60-67 | 12/30/2017 |
Bonta, Michal, Runyon | 64 | 6/11/2023 |
Booth, Barbara, Benson | 64 | 5/21/2017 |
Bowers, Glenn | 66 | 3/15/2019 |
Boyd, David | 64 | 12/27/1972 |
Bradshaw, Karen | 64 | 8/1/2012 |
Brennan, Terry | 65 | 10/12/2008 |
Broome, Craig | 65 | 4/17/2012 |
Brown, Fredric “Fred” S | 66 | 12/25/2022 |
Brown, Kenneth “Ken” | 65 | 2/24/2022 |
Brunner, Thomas | 66 | 2/24/2012 |
Bryceland, Jeanie, Phillips-Borsenik | 65 | 7/2/2015 |
Burch, Lorraine “Rainy”, Johnson | 66 | 2/22/2008 |
Buxkemper, Jerome | Faculty 58-65 | 3/17/2016 |
Cable, Claudia, Pagaling | 67 | 7/25/2013 |
Cable, Greg | 66 | 10/31/2018 |
Cain, Charles Allan | 65 | 6/21/1989 |
Caluya, Yvonne | 66 | 3/3/2024 |
Capas, Sisfredo “Fred” | 67 | 2/16/2012 |
Cardin, Michael | 63 | 12/22/2002 |
Carey, Alan G | 64 | 12/8/2004 |
Carlson, Steven “Steve” | 64 | 2/3/2007 |
Carlson, Terry Alan | 66 | 12/11/2015 |
Carney, James “Rick” Richard | 64 | 9/29/2021 |
Carson, Linwood Carson | 66 | 1/24/2023 |
Carter, Carol Jean Alan, Wagner | 66 | 5/11/2014 |
Cartwright, Phyllis, Diehl | 66 | 11/13/2003 |
Caspersom, Brandon Carl | 63 | 1/1/2017 |
Ceneskie, Bruce Carl | 66 | 4/27/2023 |
Chalsma, James Allen “Jim” | 64 | 12/17/2020 |
Chamberlain, Warren W | 64 | 12/10/1991 |
Chessnoe, John Michael “Mike” | 64 | 11/15/2014 |
Childers, William Walter “Bill” | 64 | 4/2/2018 |
Clark, Gywn, Robson | 64 | 3/21/2020 |
Clark, Raymond “George” | 67 | 10/14/2011 |
Coleman, Leah A, Hana | 66 | 12/11/2020 |
Conklin, Sara | 65 | 3/17/1997 |
Contos, James “Jim” Patrick | 65 | 9/11/2012 |
Cooney, Jack “Benj” | 66 | 11/30/1976 |
Corallo, Samuel | Boys Dorm 58-67 | 10/9/1976 |
Corbin, Harold G | Faculty 58-67 | 11/23/2007 |
Cosentino, Margaret ‘Carol’, Orndorff | 64 | 2/8/2020 |
Costello, Joan P | Faculty 59-83 | 8-1-2006 |
Cotton, Willard | 65 | 4/9/2009 |
Cribbs, Sherman Dean | 65 | 2/13/2013 |
Cronian, Michael Allen “Mike” | 63 | 11-19-994 |
Curnutt, Ronald Colin | 65 | 11/6/2004 |
Cywanowicz, John W | 64 | 6/18/1997 |
Dacy, Mike | 66 | 11/27/2012 |
Damon, Ella Nadean | Girls Dorm 59-73 | 1/20/1995 |
Daniel, Mary Kay, McClintock | 65 | 9/13/1982 |
Darnell, Linda, Jacobs | 63 | 2/28/2022 |
Davis, Judith | 64 | 5/1/2008 |
Davis, Richard Henry | 65 | 11/19/2005 |
Davis, Ronald H | Faculty 65-85 | 6/27/1985 |
Dean, Steve | 67 | 5/19/2019 |
Demming, Richard “Dick” | 65 | 5/13/2011 |
Dennis, Marilyn, Vansteenberg | 67 | 12/11/2018 |
Dexter, Kris Keith | 65 | 3/16/2016 |
deZafra, Charles “Chuck” | 63 | 3/7/2012 |
Dickson, Clyde Leroy, [Vietnam] | 63 | 1/11/1969 |
Downs, Steven (Steve) Wayne | 65 | 11–2023 |
Duke, Paul Lamar | 63 | 12/30/1999 |
Duparc, AJules Mac | 66 | 8/12/2014 |
Easter, Larry Allen | 66 | 5/26/2016 |
Edmiston, Boyd Lewis | 64 | 2/23/2011 |
Edmonds, Frank T | 66 | 5/3/2021 |
Eitelbach, David S | 65 | 5/18/1999 |
Elm, John | 64 | 8/20/2018 |
Elmen, Paul H | 64 | 1/1/2015 |
Erickson, Terry L, Brown | 67 | 1/13/2022 |
Ezell, Jerry | 65 | 6/12/1905 |
Fisher, Lani | 63 | 2/17/1998 |
Fleming, Phil | 66 | 7/17/2010 |
Flowers, Everett) | Faculty | 12/19/2014 |
Floyd, Barry L | 66 | 11/1/2019 |
Forneris, James Dean (Jim) | Faculty | 1/13/2023 |
Forse, Kathleen | 65 | 8/2022 |
French, Ken “Jock” | 64 | 2/1/2002 |
Friberg, Karl Arthur | 63 | 2/25/2022 |
Fuller, Jeffery Lee | 66 | 7/17/1990 |
Gaeta, Clayton A | 66 | 7/9/1970 |
Gale, Lawrence “Larry” George | 66 | 12/24/2009 |
Gallagher, Patrick “Paddy” | 65 | 1/14/2016 |
Gallaway, Barbara Suzanne | 67 | 4/24/2019 |
Garland, Jack C. Jr. | 64 | 4/28/2007 |
Gibbons, Joan | Faculty 59-65 | 5/1/2012 |
Gonzales, Shirley, Nastav | 67 | 9/5/2015 |
Goodman, Barry Jason | 63 | 2/13/1967 |
Goodwin, Karen Sascha, Goodwin-Sharp | 65 | 8/19/2016 |
Gotthold, Juli | Faculty 63-66 | 9/23/2010 |
Graff, Lewis “Buddy”Cecil | 65 | 1/15/1998 |
Graham, Oscar “Dale” | 66 | 6/1/2018 |
Gray, Bruce Norman | 65 | 7/2022 |
Gray, David Thomas | 66 | 8/10/2008 |
Greabell, Robert “Bob” H | 65 | 8/5/2018 |
Greenfield, Elizabeth | 66 | 10/2021 |
Greer, David | 65 | 7/3/2019 |
Greer, Patricia, Harris | 64 | 3/18/2020 |
Griffin, Regina, Simmons | 63 | 5/19/2018 |
Guptill, Thomas (Tom) Edward | 65 | 10/19/2022 |
Hail, Dallas | Faculty 58-77 | 5/30/1995 |
Hall, James B | 64 | 1/4/1968 |
Halliday, Otis (Coach) | Faculty 64-66 | 7/18/2016 |
Hancock, John William | 65 | 4/14/2019 |
Hankey, Lee Anne, Graf | 65 | 12/26/2016 |
Hanstein, William H | 65 | 1/27/2008 |
Harlan, Susan C, Alley | 65 | 9/27/2008 |
Harris, David | 65 | 11/13/2018 |
Hartman, Robert | Faculty 59-64 | 1/14/2008 |
Harwell, Karen Marie, Cox | 65 | 8/1/2017 |
Hausam, David C | 65 | 4/23/2009 |
Hawthorne, Garland, Johnson | 66 | 12/19/2013 |
Hawver, Robert | Faculty 60-74 | 3/15/1989 |
Healey, Dennis J | 62 | 8/31/2022 |
Heiss, Richard J. “Rich” | 66 | 11/13/2016 |
Henderson, Mary “Libby”, Quattromani | 65 | 10/28/2013 |
Henion, Jean, Janes | 66 | 6/20/2009 |
Hirko III, George | 65 | 11/16/2013 |
Hix, John | 65 | 6/9/2012 |
Hollis, Robert “Bob” | 63 | 3/8/1989 |
Holroyd, Frank | 64 | 6/11/1905 |
Horner, Lynn Marie, Gibbs | 66 | 6/4/2004 |
Houghtaling, Nancy | Faculty 64-66 | 7/12/2011 |
Howells, Peter | 63 | 9/13/2013 |
Huckabay, Jr., Leo Lane | 63 | 1/25/2003 |
Huckabay, Jr., Leo Lane | 63 | 6/25/1905 |
ImObersteg, Neila | 65 | 2/6/1977 |
Irby, Paula June, Barnett | 64 | 9/1/2021 |
Irvine, Ann | 61 | 9/5/2002 |
Isserman, Andy | 64 | 11/4/2010 |
Jacobs, Jerry | 62 | 3/3/1963 |
James, Lindell Ray | 66 | 8/18/1973 |
Jelf, Michael Patrick | 63 | 6/4/1965 |
Johnson, Virginia | Faculty 57-85 | 10/6/2022 |
Johnston, John “Johnny | 63 | 1/23/2014 |
Jones, Steve | 65 | 12/12/1969 |
Jordan, Lynn Eugene | 66 | 9/29/2010 |
Juncal, Gilbert | 65 | 4/1/2021 |
Kaaialii, Lyswyn | 66 | 2/7/2022 |
Kalasky, Rudolph | Faculty 61-67 | 3/25/2006 |
Kearney, Sophia, Cashwell | 65 | 1/9/2016 |
Kerschner, George Alvin | 66 | 6/3/2021 |
Kessel, John | Faculty 65-68 | 7/26/2011 |
Kienlen, Ken “Kenny” | 64 | 7/2/1966 |
Kittrell, Rodney Marcus | 65 | 3/5/2021 |
Knickman, Karla, Paul | 65 | 10/5/2011 |
Knowlton, Jeffrey Paul “Jeff” | 64 | 6/29/2019 |
Kranich, Cloris | 63 | 18-28-965 |
Kuehn, Craig Martin | 65 | 12/5/2022 |
LaBounty, Charles Richard “Rick” | 67 | 4-21-971 |
Lammert, Bernard H. | 66 | 12/24/2003 |
Landry, Charles (Chuck) | 63 | 3/13/2018 |
Larose, Judith, Coors | 63 | 12/11/2010 |
Lasswell, Patrick Gregory | 63 | 6/28/2011 |
Legg, Lawrence | 64 | 1/25/2003 |
Lehn, Kathy, LaRoe | 66 | 12/18/2013 |
Leonard, George William | 62 | 8/3/2023 |
LeSuer, Vikki, Hinkson | 63 | 4/14/2012 |
Leviness, Valerie Irene , Macumber | 65 | 4/27/2022 |
Linton, David Ross | 65 | 10/1/2015 |
Lloyd, Glen Allen | 67 | 4/18/2021 |
Lloyd, Harold Joseph | 66 | 7/25/2017 |
Longanacre, Shirley Ellen, Pearson | 66 | 10/4/2020 |
Longmore, Robert ‘Bob’ | 66 | 8/1/2019 |
Longmore, Star Brenda | 67 | 3/26/2002 |
Longmore, Tanya C | 67 | 8/18/1999 |
Longo, Paul David | 68 | 11-42016 |
Lord, Robert Ernest | 66 | 5/21/1989 |
Lott, Susanne | 65 | 5/1/2022 |
Luz, Doris Jean | 63 | 3/15/2001 |
Lyon, Jeremiah M | Faculty 58-63 | 1/29/1980 |
L-ZLabang, Leonard “Leo” | 66 | 1/5/2000 |
Macklin, Allen | 65 | 2/13/2011 |
Malone, John Michael | 66 | 8/15/2021 |
Manley, Dan | 66 | 2/5/2019 |
Martin, Charella, Marx | 64 | 7/3/2019 |
Martin, Geral | Faculty 65-95 | 2/18/2022 |
Marx, Anton John | 64 | 12/1/2023 |
Massoglia, Charles Lewis | 66 | 5/9/2022 |
Matthews, Lyle B | 65 | 12/29/2014 |
May, Reid (Frank) | Faculty | 8/2/2012 |
McCabe, Scott Patrick | 64 | 11/11/2021 |
McCall, Michael “Mike” H. | 65 | 14-12-2022 |
McCarter, John Joseph | 66 | 6/29/2007 |
McDonnell, Jerri, Gildar | 66 | 1/28/2018 |
McDougall, Dennis | 64 | 7/28/2014 |
McDowell, Lawrence J | 65 | 10/1/1970 |
McGinnis, James, | Dorm Counselor Faculty 61-83 | 9/15/1999 |
McNeil, Jo Bob, Tolly | 66 | 3/19/2008 |
McTague, Peter Paul | 64 | 8/26/2015 |
Mead, Mary Lou B | Faculty 56-63 | 11/25/1979 |
Mecham, Harold R | Faculty 66-77 | 5/11/1990 |
Meckler, Dwayne D | 64 | 6/27/1995 |
Meppen, Bonnie, Schneider | 63 | 4/3/2011 |
Messier, Don | Faculty 65-70 | 3/1/2017 |
Milde, David | 66 | 12/21/1967 |
Miller, Marilyn, Jones | 65 | 6/1/2009 |
Miller, Martin | Faculty 65-88 | 7/5/1990 |
Monks, Daniel T | 65 | 10/30/1992 |
Moore, Ann | Faculty 57-69 | 10/30/1992 |
Moore, Karl “Frank” | 66 | 6/5/2009 |
Moore, Robert Paul | 66 | 3/26/2012 |
Morales, Luis Alberto | 66 | 6/27/2018 |
Morency, Marcel Winfred | Faculty 63-64 | 5/12/1992 |
Morrison, Leilani (Lani), McKenna | 65 | 10/26/2009 |
Moss, Patricia Jean, Hardin | 64 | 5/8/2011 |
Mull, Douglas J | 65 | 7/14/2006 |
Mull, Julius Edgar | 65 | 1/19/2022 |
Munch, Glenn R | 66 | 5/31/2003 |
Nashan, Terrance Joseph “Terry” | 66 | 8/28/2003 |
Nava, Mauro L | 66 | 5/8/2024 |
Newkirk, John Russell “Rusty” | 65 | 11/19/1966 |
Newland, Michael | 65 | 9/27/2002 |
Newton, Daniel Raymond | 65 | 3/5/2019 |
Nicholas, Betty | Faculty 65-70 | 8/13/2010 |
Nobin, Larry Joe | 66 | 5/6/2021 |
Nobin, William Henry | 65 | 5/2/2022 |
Oleksinski, Ralph | 66 | 8/24/2007 |
Oleksinski, Walter “Butch” | 65 | 7/14/2009 |
Pardue, Kris, Rome | 65 | 3/20/2011 |
Parsell, Ted | 66 | 8/27/2015 |
Patton, Phillip “Cornpone” | 64 | 6/27/2002 |
Payne, Ellen Diane, Kohls | 63 | 7/23/2015 |
Peaslee, Susan, Swan | 64 | 5/9/2013 |
Penn, Anne | 66 | 4/23/2005 |
Persons Jr., Lawrence Longshore | 63 | 8/13/1988 |
Persons, Laura Anne “Laurie” | 66 | 11/6/2016 |
Pestello, James ( Jim ) Eugene | 65 | 3/28/2015 |
Peters, Yolanda, Copeland | 64 | 7/7/2021 |
Petry, Jeff | 65 | 10/2/2009 |
Pfeiffer, Donald Paul | 65 | 10/6/2006 |
Phillips, Ann “Tex”, Stumbaugh | 63 | 9/19/1993 |
Phillips, Calvin G | 65 | 10/17/2017 |
Phillips, Patricia, Humbert | 65 | 9/3/1996 |
Picart, Angel L | 65 | 10/13/2021 |
Pobudinski Jr., John Paul | 66 | 2/6/2013 |
Porter, Anton Thomas | 66 | 8/15/1970 |
Potebnya, Orr Yuri | 63 | 3/12/2010 |
Pradel Jr., Thomas Francis “Tom” | 66 | 4/1/2012 |
Price, Jane, Sisson | 66 | 10/24/2009 |
Price, Rick | 66 | 8/20/2011 |
Ratcliff, Michael David “Dave” | 65 | 11/19/2020 |
Ray, Timmy "Tim" Dale | 65 | 5/5/2024 |
Raybourn, Michael Stanton | 64 | 1/31/2021 |
Reedy, James T “Jimmy” | 64 | 9/7/1998 |
Reese, Linda, Dukor | 67 | 10/13/2022 |
Reese, Gordon William | 63 | 8/2003 |
Reeves, Roger J | 66 | 9/25/2016 |
Rennie, Richard “Scotty” | 63 | 8/29/2018 |
Riddle, Robert “Tom” | 65 | 12/27/1967 |
Ried, Herbert | Faculty 60-82 | 1/27/1982 |
Riesland, Jack Leon | Faculty 62-68 | 11/18/2005 |
Rodda, Peter H | 63 | 2/7/2022 |
Rosa, Anthony “Johnny” John | 64 | 1/30/1978 |
Rose, Donna, Hilverts | 65 | 9/15/2009 |
Rose, Gary | 66 | 8/13/2002 |
Rotter, Catherine | Faculty 61-88 | 8/13/2002 |
Rowe, Julia M | Faculty 61-70 | 12/18/1986 |
Ruelos, Wayne | 63 | 3/8/1987 |
Russell, Thomas | 64 | 6/30/2021 |
Rutherford, Sheridan | 63 | 2/12/1997 |
Rybar, Richard | 65 | 9/21/2021 |
Sample, David J | 65 | 11/6/2013 |
Sams, Darl Paul | 67 | 2/23/2025 |
Sanchez, Angel Luis | 66 | 5/10/2023 |
Sande, George | Faculty 64-82 | 1/30/2000 |
Sanders, Earl “Ed” Edward | 66 | 10/20/2018 |
Sax, Alice | Faculty 63-95 | 10/26/2008 |
Scanlon, David | 66 | 3/3/2011 |
Schallenberg, William E | 65 | 3/23/2018 |
Schmiedeberg, Mary Ann, Baraban | 64 | 12/25/2019 |
Schnake, William | 63 | 12/23/2011 |
Schofer, Henry | Faculty 61-64 | 11/18/1998 |
Schwartz, Reinhard | 64 | 5/30/2010 |
Scott, Linda Louise, Marble | 66 | 10/1/2023 |
Scuitto, Lewis | Faculty 65-70 | 5/23/2010 |
Sentner, Philip | 65 | 11/8/2022 |
Serrano, Israel “Izzy” | 67 | 2/5/2020 |
Shockley, Sherian,Loudermilk | 63 | 3/12/2018 |
Simpson, Ralph Dewaine | Faculty 64-75 | 7/17/2019 |
Sinicrope, David | 65 | 6/13/1905 |
Sinicrope, Michael | 64 | 5/1/2013 |
Slocum, Harvey | 63 | 9/23/2006 |
Smith, Gene | 63 | 6/1/2017 |
Smyre, Gwendolyn, Foster | 66 | 6/19/2019 |
Solomon, Leslie Jane | 66 | 3/1/2016 |
Somerville, Steve | 66 | 8/4/2008 |
Soper, Sam | 66 | 1/5/2015 |
Spaw, Bernadine, Sponaugle | 66 | 11/12/2021 |
Spivy, Pete | 65 | 2/25/2012 |
Stanton, Richard | 64 | 11/29/2007 |
Stephens, Jimmy Leon | 66 | 9/26/2019 |
Sterne, Marianne | Faculty 60-87 | 11/11/2011 |
Stewart, Michael Glenn | 66 | 5/9/2011 |
Stirling, David Alexander | 64 | 10/24/2023 |
Stoak, Carol Ann, Sanders | 65 | 8/1/2019 |
Stoffer, Ralph Leonard | 63 | 3/24/2017 |
Stoll, Ruth K | Faculty 56-63 | 1/4/1997 |
Strickling, Albert "Al" | 66 | 8/2022 |
Strickling, Rene O’Dell | 63 | 12/25/2006 |
Stucki, Harold | 65 | 9/3/2014 |
Summer, Jr., Samuel Shirley “Sam” | 66 | 2/15/2016 |
Sutley, Alfred Terry | 66 | 10/4/2005 |
Swee, John Elson | 65 | 4/4/2019 |
Swriczynski, James A | 63 | 4/9/1967 |
Talken, Sherry, Young | 65 | 3/31/1995 |
Taylor, James Alan “Jim” | 66 | 6/23/2015 |
Thomas, Michael D | 66 | 6/7/2021 |
Thompson, Jerry | 64 | 8/9/2020 |
Thompson, John | Faculty | 11/1/2009 |
Thompson, William Arthur | 63 | 7/14/1988 |
Thomson, Joseph ‘Mike’ Michael | 64 | 9/9/1998 |
Thurman, Elizabeth A | 65 | 5/2022 |
Todd, John Andrew “Andre” | 66 | 1/7/1972 |
Toffton, Marquerite, Dyhouse | 64 | 4/13/2015 |
Tofton, Joseph | 63 | 9/17/2008 |
Tozier, David Allen | 61 | 11/14/2021 |
Traynham, Jerry Glenn | 63 | 11/14/2020 |
Trede, Gary | 65 | 8/22/2011 |
Tredway, Brian | 65 | 2/12/2011 |
Trost, Harry | 64 | 8/21/2017 |
Turpin, Carolyn Elaine, Fisher | 66 | 1/20/2023 |
Usher, Naomi | 66 | 12/28/1967 |
Vail, Charles | 65 | 5/1/2016 |
Valentine, Diane | 65 | 2/19/2011 |
Vanatta, PhillipEugene | 65 | 3/23/2018 |
VanSteenberg, Marilyn | 66 | 12/11/2018 |
Veatch, Chauncey Lee III | 66 | 6/23/2020 |
Venn, Mimi, Major | 66 | 8/4/2002 |
Villafane, Robert | 64 | 12/1/2021 |
Vinci, Michael Stephen | 66 | July2,2022 |
von Hellens, Lars | 66 | 11/25/2018 |
Vozel, John | 66 | 10/10/2013 |
Wagner, Carl G | Faculty 62-89 | 1/14/1992 |
Ward, Leadith Ann, Agent | 66 | 1/15/1991 |
Wary, Christine “Chris” Suzanne, Lipman | 65 | 1/21/2002 |
Williamson, Patricia “Libby”, Mirhadi | 63 | 11/21/2019 |
Wills, Richard | 65 | 5/1/2004 |
Wilson, Alfred | Faculty 58-93 | 7/3/1905 |
Wisdom, Joe Craig | 67 | 8/13/2024 |
Wisdom, Janet Lee, Johnson | 64 | 8/25/2020 |
Wojahn, Patricia Lou, Plank | 63 | 2/9/2022 |
Wolfe, Linda | 64 | 9/4/2004 |
Wolter, Pat | 65 | 4/1/1987 |
Woodruff, Brian Lincoln | 65 | 12/9/2023 |
Woodward, Alfred | Faculty 64-93 | 6/24/2011 |
Wyatt, David Lois | 65 | 7/1/2023 |
Wynne, Maureen, Arcuri | 66 | 5/17/2008 |
Yost, James (Jim) | 63 | 7/22/2014 |
Zikri, Moustapha “Moose” | 64 | |
Zyzik, Joe | 63 | 7/14/1905 |
Allen Monasmith’s Complete Fallen Eagle List
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